Student Health clinics will be closed on Thursday, February 20, 2025, due to inclement weather. For urgent concerns while clinics are closed, please click on the After-Hours tab below.


Women's Health Resources

Student Health Services

VCU Student Health offers a variety of reproductive and sexual health services to students, including:

Free Reproductive & Breast Health Services
  • PLAN FIRST: This program offers free birth control, STI testing, and other services to uninsured students (all genders) who meet income limits and other criteria.
  • EVERY WOMAN'S LIFE: This program offers free pap smears, breast exams, and mammograms to low-income patients 40-64 years of age.  This program also offers services to eligible patients ages 18-39 years who have abnormal pap smears or breast lumps.  Follow the link above, click on "Find a Screening Program Near You", go to "County" in the top right corner and choose "Richmond City" for contact information at VCU and Bon Secours.  You can also call 804-864-8204 or 1-866-395-4968 for more information.
  • FREE HPV VACCINES: Students without health insurance can see if they qualify for free or discounted Gardasil vaccines by asking their Student Health provider or contacting VCU's Immunization Department.
  • FREE CONDOMS: Order free condoms and other sexual health products online through the RecWell's Condom Concierge.  Student Health and the Richmond City Health District (400 East Cary Street) offer free condoms to patients with appointments.  Go to to find more free condoms near you.  
Lactation Rooms

VCU offers lactation rooms on both the Monroe Park and MCV campuses for students and employees to breastfeed or pump in privacy.  Click on the link for a map of lactation rooms on both campuses.  

Student Health Brochures