Student Health clinics will be closed on Thursday, February 20, 2025, due to inclement weather. For urgent concerns while clinics are closed, please click on the After-Hours tab below.


COVID-19 Updates

On This Page

COVID-19 Testing

Reporting COVID-19

COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 Brochures & Resources


Visit for university updates and recommendations regarding COVID-19. 

COVID-19 Testing

If you have symptoms concerning for COVID, please self-isolate and get tested.  Even if you think it's just a cold or allergies, your symptoms could still be due to COVID.  If COVID testing on Day 1 or 2 of symptoms is negative, you should repeat testing in 48 hours to confirm that you have not become positive.

COVID testing is offered at Student Health, but students may also choose to self-test at home or complete testing at an outside facility.

  • Student Health offers free on-site rapid COVID testing to students.  COVID PCR testing is also available for a fee.  Call Student Health at 804-828-8828 during regular business hours to schedule an appointment.
  • Rapid COVID self-test kits are also available for purchase at Student Health for $5.

Reporting COVID-19

Students are encouraged to report COVID-19 symptoms and/or positive tests to Student Health during regular business hours for recommendations regarding testing, isolation, and symptom management.  Call 804-828-8828 for the Monroe Park Campus and 804-828-9220 for the Medical Campus.

CDC Recommendations for Isolation

If you test positive for COVID, stay home and away from others.  If you are NOT a healthcare worker or student on clinical rotations:

  1. You may return to normal activities when, for 24 hours, both of the following are true:
    • Symptoms are improving overall.
    • You are fever-free, without use of a fever-reducing medication (eg. Tylenol, Advil, etc).
  2. When returning to normal activities, take additional precautions for the next 5 days when indoors and around others, such as masking and social distancing.  You are less likely to be contagious during this time, but it is still important to be careful around those at higher risk for serious illness.
Reporting for Health Sciences Students

Health Sciences students on clinical rotations who test positive for COVID should follow recommended isolation guidelines for healthcare workers:

  • Healthcare workers/students should isolate for at least 5 days.  They may be released on DAY 6 if, for 24 hours, symptoms have been improving and they are fever-free without a fever-reducing medication.  They should continue to mask for an additional 5 days after their release.
  • COVID-positive Health Sciences students MUST call 804-828-9220 to schedule a phone appointment with a Student Health provider.  The provider will send an isolation letter via secure message for the student to share with their instructor.

COVID-19 Vaccines

Student Health strongly encourages students to stay up-to-date with COVID vaccination.  Vaccines protect against severe illness, death, and complications, such as long COVID.  Vaccination also helps to protect others, especially the most vulnerable members of our community.

The updated 2024-2025 COVID vaccine is now available in the community.  Check your local pharmacy or to find vaccine near you.

  • You are eligible to receive the updated COVID vaccine if you were previously unvaccinated or it has been at least 2 months since you completed the primary COVID vaccine series or booster dose(s). 
  • If you are recovering from COVID, you are advised to wait until you are released from isolation and symptoms have completely resolved before getting vaccinated. 
  • If you are a COVID contact, please wait until it has been at least 10 days since the last exposure to get vaccinated.

 COVID-19 Patient Education


For FAQs regarding covid testing, vaccines and more, visit the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) FAQ website.

I’m sick. How do I know if it is COVID or something else, like the cold or flu?
  • Even if you think it's just a cold or allergies, it's important to self-isolate and contact Student Health for testing.  COVID symptoms can be very similar to cold, flu, or allergy symptoms.  If you've had COVID before, symptoms can be different each time.  The only way to know if you have COVID is by testing.  
  • If testing on Day 1 or 2 of symptoms is negative, students are strongly encouraged to repeat testing in 48 hours to confirm that they have not become positive.
  • Common symptoms of COVID may include fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, body aches, headache, fatigue, congestion, runny nose, new loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea.  
When is someone with COVID contagious?
  • Persons diagnosed with COVID are considered contagious beginning 2 days before the start of symptoms (or a positive test if there are no symptoms).   They are likely to remain contagious (though the risk of transmission is lower) until 5 days after being released from isolation.
  • People with severe infections or significant underlying health issues may be infectious for longer.
When is masking required?
  • After a COVID-positive individual is released from isolation, they should mask for the next 5 days when they are around others in indoor spaces.
  • Masks may be required in some healthcare settings.
Does it matter what kind of mask I wear?

Use the most protective mask you can that fits you well and that you will wear consistently.