Student Health clinics will be closed on Thursday, February 20, 2025, due to inclement weather. For urgent concerns while clinics are closed, please click on the After-Hours tab below.


Sexual Health & Wellness

Student Health offers a variety of services related to sexual and reproductive health, such as:

  • Contraception education and prescription, including free pregnancy testing in clinic.
  • STI prevention, testing, and treatment, including Pap smears, PrEP services, and HPV vaccination.
  • Evaluation and treatment of common gynecological health issues, such as vaginal symptoms and infections, menstrual disorders, urinary tract infections, and breast complaints.
Birth Control Services
  • Student Health offers hormonal birth control pills, the NuvaRing, the Ortho Evra contraceptive patch, and Depo Provera injections.  Pap smears are not required for students to begin birth control.
  • Referrals will be made for IUD insertions and Nexplanon implants.
  • Condoms are available for purchase at Student Health, including a variety of latex condoms (6 for $3), as well as non-latex condoms (6 for $4).  Free condoms are available to any student who presents for an appointment at Student Health.
  • Plan B (emergency contraception) can also be purchased without a prescription at Student Health for $20.
STI Prevention, Testing, & Treatment
  • Annual STI (sexually transmitted infection) screening is recommended for all sexually active students.  More frequent testing is recommended if symptoms develop or if students engage in high-risk sexual behaviors.
  • Asymptomatic students who desire gonorrhea & chlamydia testing and do not have a known STI contact should wait at least 2 weeks after a sexual encounter for the most accurate test results. 
  • Students who have been notified that their partner has been diagnosed with an STI should be seen in clinic immediately for evaluation and treatment.
  • Students may choose to give a urine sample for gonorrhea & chlamydia screening.  If a urine test is preferred, do not urinate for 1-2 hours prior to your appointment.
  • Lab fees include $20 for gonorrhea & chlamydia testing, and $15 for HIV & syphilis blood tests ($35 total).
  • Student Health also offers PrEP consultations to students interested in learning more about, starting, or continuing PrEP.  When requesting an appointment, please let the scheduler know that the visit is for PrEP so that you are scheduled appropriately.
Well-Woman Exams & Pap Smears
  • Routine well-woman exams are charged $50, which covers the following components:
    • Pap Smears for cervical cancer screening in students 21 years and older.  Anyone with a cervix should complete their first Pap smear at age 21; if results are normal, Pap smears are repeated every 3 years.
    • STI testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV.
    • Routine breast exam.
  • You must call to schedule an appointment.  Please state clearly that you are requesting a well-woman exam or Pap
    • Avoid scheduling well-woman exams or STI screening during your menses, as this could affect test results.
    • Due to high demand, plan to schedule your well-woman exam at least 2-3 weeks in advance.
    • If you miss 2 well-woman exams during a semester, you will not be able to reschedule for another well-woman exam until the following semester.